Monday, August 8, 2011

after a long time being away from the blog, I started to miss writing here...

I am now in my 5 months period of pregnancy, I can feel the pain all over my body now, especially at my back, yet I still breastfeeding Waafiq and I hope it wont affect my baby at any cause. Besidees, it has been almost 3 months I undergone my practical trainee. I was placed at the office then be transferred to the operation department in the section of Monument Park, in which I am entirely in charge at the entrance part. A month after that, during Ramadhan I went back to the office to finish everything by this coming 15th August 2011.

At the entrance of the Monument Park, I met a lot of tourist and some are foreigners. Then I discover that being an in house guide for those foreigners are very interesting, yet challenging. I believe that through the guide I can learn a lot about their culture and attitude as they seems to be more straightforward but very easy to handle. To be compared to the Malaysian tourists I would say that they are less cranky and much easy.

while at the office I became clumsy as well as restless because there is nothing much I can do here. I am very eager to do any job given but so far, i have to request for the task, and they keep disappointing me again and again. So, most of the things that I did was wondering in front of the PC and keep thinking about something that i myself not very sure about.

Well, generally I like being trained at TTI Management sdn bhd, it is a good place to educate ourselves to punctuality and self discipline but it is strictly depend on the student itself, how they took it here, either they took it in a positive way or the other way around.

Monday, June 20, 2011

My progress

It has been almost 4 months since I got pregnant for the third time. Well, every pregnancy has different story, so this time the feeling is not the same as the first and the second pregnancy. I seem to feel like eating most of the time, not to mention that I always cranking for the food that is quite hard to find. in which I my have to ask my mom or I have to cook it myself, because I think if i buy them, they might not be as delicious as I expected.

Alhamdulillah. I didn't really have trouble with morning sickness but I seems to have my nose blocked for the rest 6 months, because the doctor said, due to my pregnancy, my allergy is getting stronger and it affected my nose from functions effectively. But I am strictly in trouble because i have not register for the 'buku pink' which is supposed to be a progress record showing the progress of the baby and my health. This is because I am doing industrial training right now and things are out of my control as I cant easily get out as I pleased, even i have an oppointment with the doctor. This is a matter of respect and scared..heheee

Well, my bos is quite strict, so he might not allowed me. Thinking of his responds make me very scared. So I keep postphoning my apointment with the nurse. I just hope that they will understand once I explain all this to them.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My new cousin...Ahmad Faizullah


hurm...I just got back from Penang last night. I went there to visit my aunt who just had delivered a cute lil baby boy which he was named as Ahmad Faizullah. The happiest person is of course Fahim, the eldest brother. He is such a very brotherly boy, very concern about every little thing that the baby does just like what he did to Waafiq before. His brotherhood is obviously shown through the way he wipes the baby.

introducing....Ahmad Faizullah...he looks a lot like Fathi..

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

THe more the merrieR

wow...It has been so long since I wrote any entry here..I dont know how to describe my feeling at this moment, but i believe deep in my heart i am happy. with the chaostic schedule during these two weeks due to final exam, I am a bit restless and easily get tired.

after a month waiting for ms period to come and visit me for a few days, I finally decided to try the urine test...haha...sounds ridiculous right coz my boy is just 1 year and 3 months old now...hrmmm I wonder... what would the result be..i am ready for all these..having pregnant while i have to move everywhere in the campus has given me avery hard time last year. but still I managed to go through all those hardship and everything... and waafiq was born on 13th february 2010, just right before Valentine's Day...luckily he does not born on the Valentines Day itself.

so, lets talk about now, right after i did the urine test I discover, there are two lines shown in the middle of the tester.

Can you imagine my feeling at the moment..obviously I'm shocked!!!

just right after I told my husband he just smile, and he then stand up and sujud syukur straight away. I knew that he was shocked as well. well, we tend to plan, but the plan has now need to be changed, we are grateful that Allah gifted us with another child, alhamdulillah. so I will have to be more positive and do whatever it takes to ensure my baby's health and safety.

at this moment I dont have courage to tell my mom neither my mom's in law. It just like eating my own words, coz I told them that I will plan for next baby at least in three years ahead. I wonder what are the cmments that I will hear from my aunts and uncles, as well as y fiends... Amir will surely laugh at me....huh

Hopefully, we will have a baby girl this time..really hope so!!

shhh!!!this is a secret..just for my own notes...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Multimedia Eglish

-word on the street-

My first impression when Madam Mahani asked us to come up with a movie with the theme of word on the street, sort of introducing new word to kindergarten pupils creatively in a fun way, i wan kind of taken aback as, this is not what i like to do. being in front of the camera and cracking heads on the storyboard is just not my food.

Then, our group come up with a story board with the title of RED. This movie is actually made up to introduce the word red to the children and we are actually trying to associates RED with other objects/ other that movie, I am Didy, the little sister of Ggy, who is the main actor in this movie. Being Didy I have to act like a small girl..sort of pretending making cute face and childish expression...maybe they chose me to be the little girl because I'm small...petite....bak kate madam Sally...huhu...but still I enjoyed...

to our disappointment... it just does not goes to the madam mentioned that " I liked your video the least"....woooo

I was like laughing + sighing + many other expressions...then to make it short...we asked for a second chance...we want to redo ...sounds funny but since then I learned that video shooting is quite fun, and we laughed a lot throughout the day...

in order to submit it within a week, we sacrifice our weekend and starts video shooting at 2 pm, and we finish at 12 midnight...half day sitting with mr lappy in front...I left Waafiq to mom at KB..then mom sent him to my hubby at 7 p.m. Seriously I pity Waafiq for my absence around him that day..but a responsibility is always a responsibility. I always hope that he will always know that i love him so much although i'm not around most of the time..dyingly afraid of losing him...

in our new movie, there is no more role play given..but we come up with a more natural way of sharing information. The title of the video is Kids Fun Hour, which basically aims to introduced new words that starts with initial b. those words are Ball, Basket, Brooch. blouse and bamboo. It is presented in a form of kids television program with interesting way of drilling.

Hopefully there will be no more redo for the third time. We have spent a lot of time, and efforts to make it successful.. here are some photos that have been taken during the video shooting.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

25th Jan...

2.38 a.m

huhu..memang terkejot giler...
aku tak sangka dia boleh buat cubaan masuk lagi..aku tengah online time tu, tiba - tiba aku nampak (pemulas) some sort like a tombol pintu, bergerak...seriuosly takkan dia gerak sendiri kan...aku pon cepat cepat lakejotkan shahriman dengan mode yang sangat perlahan (takot sangat kalu orang yang memulas pintu tadi dgr), aku pon cterla kt shahriman yang aku nampak tombol pintu tu bergerak, dengan yakinnya aku convincekan dia, walaupun dia menempelak aku dengan assumption" angin je tu)...logically angin takkan boleh nk nk pulas tombol mustahil...dalam fikiran aku ada dua benda je samada hantu ataupun orang aka pencuri memandangkan kami tak terima tetamu yang datang kul 2.30 pagi...seram sejuk aku dibuatnye pagi tuh...shshriman pun untuk myedapkan hati aku, bukak skrin pc, tgok CCtV...suspen la time tuh...takot sangkaan aku meleset...sekali bila tengok rakaman tu betol la ade sorang mamat yang telah memulas tombol pintu...dia duk mengintai ngintai dekat lubang pintu...sekejap kat bawah sekejap lam lubang kunci tu...siap suluh ngan handphone lagi sebab lampu kat lur telah ditutup, sso memang agak gelap la kt luar tuh....yang paling tak sangkanye...mamat yang cuba nk hack umah mak mertua aku tu ialah seseorang yang amat aku kenali...huhu..

time tuh, aku rasa sebak terus...nampaknya dia ni tak pernah insaf...baru balik pusat pemulihan, dah balik wat perangai lama. sebelum ni dia memang pernah menceroboh masuk rumah mak mertua aku beberapa kali...dan most of the things yang dia telah rampas tanpa izin ialah barang - barang aku termasukla laptop aku yg telah berkhidmat ngan aku selama 4 tahun, pastu aku pon bli laptop baru, tak sampai 3 bulan aku pakai dia pon curi la( cam tau - tau je aku dah ganti yang dia curi dulu), duit syiling yang aku simpan pon dikebasnya..antara lain yang menjadi mangsa mamat berkenaaan ialah, handphone lame hubby, cincin aku 3 bentuk (termasuk cincin merisik), duit mak mertua aku toksah cakap la...

aku masih ingat lagi, bila dia curi laptop aku yang pertama aku jadi hilang arah, sebab banyak assignment yang aku kena buat, laptop ni memang penting lam hidup aku..rasenye kalu tak bukak laptop sehari cam tak lengkap je hari. Pastu aku n hubby pon kumpul duit beli laptop baru... tup - tup laptop aku yang baru pon hilang jugak. dikebas lagi.. masa tu aku memang sedih giler, hubby pon tak tahan aku time tuh, aku jadi hot temper, stress yang amat...sekali aku nampak hubby nangis lam bilik mak dia, dia nangis sambil marah - marah kat pencuri tuh...(masa tu kami tak tau sapa pencuri tu)...dia kata pencuri tu dah wat hidup kami upside down..tak tenang and memang serabut sangat - sangat. masa tu baru aku realized bukan aku je yang stress, sepatutnya aku kena sabar dengan dugaan tuhan bukan lepas perasaan kat hubby. hubby aku kata dia sangat sedih bila tengok aku nangis mengenangkan barang- barang yang kami hargai dicuri semudah itu....kita ni kumpul duit susah bukan main - main. dia senang - senang je...aku rasa sangat tak fair...

kami ikhtiar macam2...pegi jumpe bomoh(walaupun ridiculous), mintak ustaz doakan (walaupun hubby aku pun ustaz), macam - macam, pegi cari barang tu dekat kedai - kedai terpakai..mana la tau pencuri tu ada jual kat mana - mana. hubby sentiasa berdoa, bangun sembahyang tahajud dan hajat mintak doa , moga Allah tunjukkan pada kami siapa dalang sebenar. sampai la satu hari, masa mak ada dekat rumah sorang - sorang...semasa mak tengah mnyapu halaman, tibe2 ada la dua orang jiran datang berlari - lari bagitahu ada orang panjat tingkap kat belakang. mak pon cepat2 bagitau kakak ipar aku yang duk tak jauh dari rumah, mintak dia telefon polis...kebetulan ada sorang lelaki sempat tangkap pencuri tu sebelom polis datang...

kenyataan yang sangat menyentap hati, bila kami dapat tahu yang pencuri yang selama ini bermaharajalela tu sebenarnye orang yang sangat dekat pertalian darahnya dengan kami sekeluarga. rase sangat sakit hati bila ingat balik kesusahan yang kami lalui disebabkan dia. ..kemudian dia dibawa polis ke balai...hubby yang tengah marah masa tu pergi ke balai dan tampar dia. tapi sdia masih menafikan, tak mengaku dengan semua kesalahan yang dia dah buat. aku rase bersalah dengan mak ayah dia, sebab mak ayh dia orang baik...memang baik. tapi iman tak boleh diwarisi...ityulah kenyataan yang kami sekeluarga terpaksa hadapi sehingga sekarang. aku ingat bila dia dihantar ke pusat pemulihan, dia akan berubah...setelah lebih kurang setahun dia lepakkan diri dia kat sane, dia kembali...tapi selepas beberapa bulan dia balik...nampaknya sejarah berulang...hidup aku kembali dihantui rasa takot ngan kehadiran manusia yang tak mampu diramal itu...

aku sedar semua ini adalah satu ujian Allah...aku sentiasa ingat, dugaan yang ibu bapa dia sedang lalui lebih hebat...semoga dia akan berubah ...Ya Allah, Engkau ubahla dia Ya Allah...berila dia keinsafan....semoga dia kembali ke jalan yang lurus yang Engkau redhai Ya Allah...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year

well, hopefully it is never too late to wish all of you, Happy New Year. Usually, new year is always equivalent to 'azam tahun baru'. So let me briefly describe my 'azam tahun baru' for this year.

1. Start blogging continuosly
well, I am still practicing 'This'...hopefully the Ink of my Thought will not run out of the ink...lets keep trying...

2. Start making breakfast for my husband
As my friends always said, i'm not a good time manager. so, time is smehow a barrier for me to make breakfast for him. So practically we end up eating breakfast outside, even on, hopefully by the very beginning of this year, I could try to wake up very early in the morning and prepare breakfast for him before he goes to scholl. but so far, the breakfast idea, is not apparently working. Tomorrow is a nice start...lets see..

3. To put my name in the Dean's list
This seems to be easy for somebody, yet it is quite far beyond my accomplishment. hhaahah, maybe it's not that easy but it never be impossible right, well just put some hope...

4. to be more positive
This is my biggest problem.I have to fight against my personal conflinct. A challenge for me I bet.